Resources for Parents
Every baby under one year old needs their own safe sleep space. From one month to one year of age, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the main cause of infant deaths. You can protect your baby by following the ABCs of safe sleep: Alone, on their Back, in a Crib. These simple steps can greatly reduce your baby’s risk of a sleep-related death.
Sleep Safety with Other Caregivers
Sleep-related deaths in infants ages 0-12 months also occur when the baby is in the care of someone other than a parent. This risk increases when babies used to sleeping on their backs at home are placed on their tummies by another caregiver. In fact, these babies are 18 times more likely to die from sleep-related causes.
You can protect your baby by talking with all caregivers about safe sleep practices.
Before leaving your infant with anyone – whether childcare providers, babysitters, or relatives – make sure they understand and agree to follow safe sleep guidelines.
Child Care Checklist
When choosing care for your baby, make sure that:
- Infants sleep in their own safety-approved* crib containing a firm mattress covered with a tight-fitting crib sheet.
- Infants are never allowed to sleep in car seats, swings, infant seats, or other equipment not designed for infant sleep.
- Cribs are clear of bumper pads, blankets, pillows, burp cloths, toys, or other items in the crib or hanging on the crib.
- Infants are always placed to sleep on their back for every sleep time. Once they can easily turn over from back to tummy and tummy to back, they can stay in that position after starting out on their back.
- Infants wear footed sleeper or baby sleep sack/bag (see picture) to sleep, as safe alternatives to blankets. No bibs, hoods, hats, or clothing with a drawstring or tied around the neck should be worn for sleep.
- Caregivers are alert and visually supervise children during every sleep time.
- The facility has a written safe sleep policy that follows the American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines (ABCs of Safe Sleep). This policy is provided to all parents of infants.
- All infant caregivers are required to be trained in safe sleep practices.
- The facility and the facility grounds are smoke free.
- Infants are not swaddled.
- Pacifiers are allowed for sleep but are not attached by clips or strings to clothing or to the infant.
*Compliant with current US Consumer Product Safety Commission Standards
Breastfeeding & Safe Sleep
Babies who get breast milk have a lower risk of SIDS when they also sleep safely. You can successfully breastfeed your baby and follow safe sleep rules. We encourage breastfeeding as much and as long as you can. For your baby’s safety, when you finish breastfeeding, always put your baby:
- Alone
- On their Back
- In their Crib
Studies show that breastfed babies who sleep in an adult bed are nearly 3 times more likely to die from SIDS than breastfed babies who sleep in their own safe space. Even if you breastfeed, sharing your bed with your baby makes SIDS risk much higher than putting baby in their own crib after feeding. Protect your baby. Always follow the ABCs of Safe Sleep.